Fruits are very important for the human body. It is not always possible to go out and get fresh fruits. Mainly during the pandemic periods, it is highly impossible to get fresh fruits. Many people have adapted to various methods like store durian in the refrigerator (เก็บ ทุเรียน ตู้ เย็น, which is the term in Thai), pot storages, etc. Here are a few ways to store your fruits fresh for a longer duration.

Clean Berries With Hot Water

If you want to store berries for a longer duration, clean them with hot water. When washed with hot water all the germs, bacteria, and spores are killed making the berries stay fresh for longer durations. The process of cleaning with hot water is called thermotherapy.

Process For Thermotherapy

  • Clean the berries with hot water at 125 degrees and for around 40 seconds.
  • Remove them from water and clean them with a dry towel.
  • Leave them to air for a minute and let them breathe.
  • Now, store them in plastic boxes and use them when needed.

Store Green Leafy Vegetable In A Paper

It is always suggested to eat green leafy vegetables in less than 3 days after picking them up from the farms. If you want to store them for a bit longer, wrapping them in a paper towel is an efficient way. But make sure that you’re not washing them and then storing them. This may result in moisture and the leafy vegetables might get spoiled. So, store them in a paper towel without any moisture.

Keep Fruits Separately

All of us know the saying, “one spoiled apple can spoil all the good apples in the box”. The same happens in the refrigerator. When all fruits are kept together a few of them might have moisture and spoil the other fruits too. So, storing them separately will help the fruits stay fresh for longer durations.

This is how you can store fruits fresh for longer durations. Always try to keep your fruits in the place they are meant to be. For example, tomatoes should be stored in the fresh tray below the freezer, bananas should be stored by peeling, and never store fruits after chopping them to pieces. When the chopped pieces are exposed to the air, they turn in black and lose the nutrients in them. Once they lose their color then consuming those fruits is of no use. So, make sure you are storing them properly.


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